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 Oracular Offers

Image by Steve & Barb Sande

Oracle Card Readings 

You find yourself at a crossroads - all ways contain promises and challenges - and you don't know which one to take.


Indecision can drain a lot of vital energy from our system, and so can the belief that we can get it wrong. 


Our higher self knows better - have a look at things from a higher vantage point, and perhaps the path will reveal itself.  

Timeline Alignment

We don't manifest what we want, we manifest what we emanate. Wanting comes from the illusion of lack and separation, and that illusion creates the feeling of scarcity.  


In this session, we travel forward in time towards yourself that already has all that you are dreaming of having.


You will experience what that feels like, and then you will bring that felling back in to the present moment so we can manifest it NOW.​

Oracular Dreaming

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then dreams are its Gateway.


So much of what we are, and how we behave, is ruled by our subconscious, and yet we have so little understanding of it.


In this session, we will unveil the hidden messages within one Dream of your choosing. 

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