Body & Soul Work

Ours souls are expanding to receive more spirit!
We are being asked to claim the time and space to ALLOW its expansion,
We are being asked to let go of the beliefs that create contraction,
It is no longer an option, it is IMPERATIVE we learn to FEEL it ALL.
My sessions follow a 5-step flow, intention setting, de-armouring, devotional touch, energetic alignment and integration. How long I stay in each step will be determined by your intention, need and openness.
Intention Setting

I like to start with intention because it creates Containment, Focus and Potency.
Setting an intention is like pointing an arrow towards a Mark - there is no guaranty it will make the Mark - it sets things in motion by guiding the energy towards a direction.
Intention alone is not not enough! We also need to act in alignment with our intentions. But when we take the time to get really clear on what our intentions are we can allow them to inform our actions.

We are blessed with a nervouse system that allows us to feel a wide variety of sensations, from pleasure to pain.
Pain however, be it phisical or emotional, is not something most of us are wiling to welcome willingly and so we tense up.
The more we tense up the harder it becomes to soften and tension becomes our normal state of being. We develop Armour. This Armour protects us from pain yes! And also from every other sensation.
De-armoring has been used since time immemorial as a way to release physical and emotional tension from the body.
It combines deep tissue pressure with breathing techniques to support the release of tension and trauma and allow us to feel pleasure again.
Devotional Touch

One thing I learned from one year of touch deprivation was how important touch is for our mental health.​
When I was allowed to touch people again everything had changed, the bodies were asking for a different quality of touch, one that informs our nervous system that it is safe.
And then something wonderful happened, I was no longer touching simply the body, I was touching people's emotions, bringing them in to their awareness.
I was touching their souls. ​How I work had inevitably changed.
Energetic Alignment

Our bodies extend in layers far beyond the limits of our skin. ​These subtle bodies echo our physical ones and they affected each other mutually.
Stronger external manipulation is needed to affect the physical body, however the subtle bodies can be affected subtly.
When the subtle bodies are open we can influence them with light codes inviting alignment and mental, emotional & spiritual congruence.

Our There are 2 parts of integration and both have a timing: digestion - or assimilation - of what happens in a session and the grounding - or embodying - of what we have learned.
The first requires time, patience and softness.​ The second will, drive and resolve and brings the work to full circle with acting in alignment with the intention.
We bring a intention: we clear what in in the way from the physical body: we give space for emotions to be felt wile our nervous system is loved and given safety; we open up energetically to receive messages from our higher self and then we go back in to the world a do something we would not have done before because we are an upgrade version.