"I offer my hands, time and voice to guide you HOME. May we always remember the simplicity and Joy of BEING."
I belive I was always a Medicine Woman at heart. All my life I was supporting people as one - the ones who could recognize me even when I could not. It was my traning in Traditional Chinese Medicine that gave me the knowledge, experience and context to confidently claim it - that and a decade of clinical practice. Most of what I know comes from the dialoge that happens betwen me and my clients be it the spoken form or the unspoken. Witnesing in my clients and myself in their presence nas been thus far my greatest teacher.
My personal investigations on Vedic Philosophy, Taoism and Egyptian Mystery Schools came to a full circle when I was initiated into the South American Shamanic Lineages. Binding tradition & science with compassionate & trauma informed strategies of healing is a heartfelt passion of mine and the subject to most of my investigations and practices.
Life began with the view of the ocean from my bedroom window and books as my best friends. I had an imaginary friend who looked just like me and lived inside a mirror and I could turn into a mermaid at will. I dreamed of a kinder and fairer world where humans lived as TRIBE.
And then I "grew up" - intelligence replaced intuition and sarcasm replaced magic.
Until my Saturn return.
I was 27 when I woke up from my ovarian cyst removal surgery feeling ready to go out and conquer the world! I couldn't remember when was the last time I had felt that!
I was on morphine!
The next day I was back to baseline. Only now realizing my baseline was depressed.
A mild depression, nothing life threatening. And yet I was merely functioning. Trying to figure out how to “fit in” in a world that felt so unwelcoming of “who I really was' ' - being myself very distanced from what that even meant.
At the time I was living between Portugal and the United States trying to make a long distance relationship work, trying to make use of and find sustainability from my fine art studies, not really having much of a social life, consuming a lot of cinema and sugar, working too much and not making enough money, feeling like a dysfunctional adult who should, by now, already be capable of standing on her own feet but not really knowing how to do that.
That surgery was completely useless! It didn’t solve any physical health issues I had. And yet it somehow served a higher purpose, through this experience it dawned on me - there was something missing, something I used to have and had somehow lost… It was VITAL for me to get it back in order to start living and not just merely existing. Something inside of me knew I’m here for more that this!
This was the beginning of me returning back HOME to MYSELF…
When I started asking the right questions the right answers came to me easily and the path became clearer. This path drove me to Multiple schools of mystery, shamanic initiations and eventually to Mari & Cat, who's love and belief in me kept me going whenever my own faltered.
After an intense three year program in shamanic studies I received their blessing to guide sacred ceremonies.
The first time I Guided Ceremony I finally felt - this is it - I have arrived.
Being at Service in Ceremony is my biggest honor, it is where I tap into all my gifts and habilities, and support people awakening to theirs. It is by guiding ceremony that I create the world where we will all live again as tribe.
Ceremony has taught me the most valuable teachings of all - LIVE YOUR LIFE as a CEREMONY and it will BECOME ONE.
My gratitude goes to all my teachers and their teachers and their teachers.
What kind of Trainings and Certifications do you have?Workshops and trainings: Transcendental meditation, Porto | 2005 The Landmark Forum, London | 2012 The Landmark Advanced Training, London | 2013 Reiki initiation with Cá Soares, Sintra | 2013 Light language I, II and III with Ren Mahlev, on-line | 2015 to 2017 Light language I, II with Pepino, on-line | 2019 Long term Programs: Her Mystery School, Jumana Sophia, Online | 2014 to 2018 Medicine woman, shamanic studies with Marilia Silva, Portugal | 2018 to 2021 Boot Camp, 1 year shamanic practice with Marilia Silva, Portugal | 2022 Certified Programs: Traditional Chinese Medicine in EMTC, Lisbon | 2013 to 2016 Qi gong teacher trainer in EMTC, Lisboa | 2016 to 2018